Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Sensitive Insect

Entomologists have recently discovered that mosquitoes are capable of knowing the place of a certain person through his exhalation. Allah has supplied mosquitoes with techniques that can pick up the carbon that humans exhale and analyze its quantity and source. Entomologists even confirm that such an insect is extremely sensitive to carbon and has capacities that surpass those of the most complex devices made by humans! The question is whether we really realize the significance of such a creature and how complex it is? Isn't it worthy of being mentioned in the holy Qur'an? In response to the infidels who objected to mentioning such insects in the holy Qur’an, Allah, the Almighty says:
God disdains not to use
The similitude of things,
Lowest as well as highest…"         Baqara or the Heifer: 26
All Glory to Allah.

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

River flows in the depths of the Black sea

Oceanographers have discovered a river that flows in the depths of the Black sea! This river is blue and high density and runs for long distances. 
The depth of this river is about 40 meters. Oceanographers say that although this river has existed for thousands of years, it preserved its shape and didn’t allow the sea waters to dominate over it due to the variation of their densities as well as the physical laws that prevent the mixture of both seas although they mingle all the time. It’s amazing that such a complicated phenomenon was precisely described in the holy Qur’an fourteen centuries ago i.e. long before the oceanographers discovered it. Allah, the great says:
He has let free
The two bodies
Of flowing water,
Meeting together:
Between them is a Barrier
Which they do not transgress                                Rahman or (God) Most Gracious: 19- 20 (ibid)
In front of such a great view, a believer can only say all glory to Allah.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


Eastern swap

Zoologists have discovered recently that eastern swap generates electricity based on the solar energy. Such a phenomenon might be common among insect communities for it becomes more active when it becomes hotter. All glory to Allah, the great, insects have made use of the solar energy before us humans. Who could have taught these insects such a developed technology? It’s definitely Allah, the great who says in the holy Qur’an:
There is not an animal
(That lives) on the earth,
Nor a being that flies
On its wings, but (forms
Part of) communities like you.
Nothing have we omitted
From the Book, and they (all)
Shall be gathered to their Lord
In the end.                                                                            Ana’am or Cattle: 38 (ibid)

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Designing Birds

Scientists confirm that the design of birds’ wings is amazing and puzzling for it’s completely wrapped with flexible feathers that are capable of adjusting with all kinds of flying conditions and so are the tail, legs, beak, and head. Every part of the body of birds is a miraculous technique in every sense of the word. What’s more amazing though is how birds manage to jump suddenly from seas upward and then maneuver, move, and fly for a long time. Allah glory to Allah, the almighty who says:
Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate, and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah knows well all that they do.” Nur or Light: 24: 41
We can't but glorify Allah, the exalted.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel



Today, scientists describe the formation of hail as follows: winds drive water vapor upward and then water drops pile up forming cumulus clouds and then they move upward for several kilometers and take the shape of mountains in the sky. In such environment, hailstones are formed and it rains through the clouds and the hailstones also fall of different sizes.
Amazingly, the holy Qur’an precisely describes this great image and in the same scientific order of the stages of hail formation; Allah, the exalted says:
Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap? - then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He turns it away from whom He pleases, the vivid flash of His lightning well-nigh blinds the sight.” Nur or Light: 24: 43
Scientists say that the formation of hail is accompanied by flashes of lightning and miraculously the above verse combines between the formation of hail and lightning! The question is who told Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, about this? It’s definitely Allah, the omniscient.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


Smart Seeds

This is a plant seed that's supplied with a fan to fly just like a helicopter and then it reaches a far place and regrows in a convenient soil that’s far from its original place.  If it weren’t for this fan, the seed would die and wouldn’t be able to grow and proliferate. We glorify Allah, the exalted. The question is who gave it this fan and miraculously designed it to enable it to fly and reach far places and regrow? It’s absolutely Allah who says about himself in the holy Qur’an:
He said: "Our Lord is He Who gave to each (created) thing its form and nature, and further, gave (it) guidance."” Ta-Ha: 20: 50 
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel


The Discovery of an Enormous Sea

 Scientists have discovered an enormous sea with a huge amount of water stored beneath the earth’s surface in the east of Asia. The sea has waves that resemble those of seas. Scientists have carried out hundreds of thousands of measurements of seismic waves and have proven that this enormous reservoir of water whose size is almost the same as that of the arctic existed thousands of years ago. Scientists confirm that wind has a major role in the formation of clouds as well as the rain fall and then the leakage of rain under the ground and its storage miraculously. Amazingly, the holy Quran accurately talks about all these scientific facts; Allah, the almighty says in the holy Qur’an:


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel